Invasive Surveys

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Roofing Advisors

An invasive survey is exactly as it sounds, inspecting below the surface, by removal of the roof coverings.

Where practical, we recommend an invasive survey to all clients, as this is a dependable method to assist in establishing the strength and condition of the materials and fixings.

Our highly experienced roofing technicians will carry out a detailed inspection by removing small areas of the existing coverings to understand the build-up of the roof and help identify current and impending problems. These areas will be reinstated to ensure the roof’s integrity is maintained.

Pitched Roofs

On slate or roof tiled properties, an invasive survey can be useful to establish the condition of the fixings, battens, roofing felt, flashing, roof lights to name a few.
Generally, the technicians remove and replace the roof covering to establish the condition of the components. This is carried out safely with the aid of access/safety equipment.

Flat Roofs

Core sampling is an effective method of determining how much moisture is trapped within the layers of the flat roof build-up. A coring tool is used to neatly cut through the membrane and insulation, down to the structural deck. The cores are then re-sealed with an appropriate material to suit the roof type.
The core samples are examined to establish the moisture content and a recommended solution based on the results.

Our reports will outline the condition of your roof, provide photographic evidence and give a clear understanding of:

  • Immediate works required
  • Intermediate works
  • Long-term requirements
  • Overall maintenance plan
  • Budget costs for repairs and recommendations

You will not only receive a complete overview of your roof’s present condition, you will also have peace of mind and assurance that the information and recommendations are the best solution for you.

Please contact Roofing Advisors to discuss your requirements.


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